
Overview: understanding the main terms used in the Mapal OS platform is key to using the system effectively. This article covers some of the main concepts and the relationship between them.
Start from: anywhere in the Mapal OS platform.


An operator represents an organisation that has contracted any of the Mapal applications and therefore has access to one or more apps. Employees belong directly to an operator.

Business units

Business units are the individual business establishments that an operator may have. For example, a restaurant chain may have multiple establishments in the same city. Users can belong to multiple Business units, as they may work at more than one of the restaurant’s establishments on different days. Users must, however, have a “default business unit” which represents their main place of work.


Employees are a member of staff, from the perspective of the operator. All employees belong to an operator.

Employee Record

An employee record is a representation of an employee from the perspective of the operator. The Employee records register information such as training issued to employees, clock-in times and holiday bookings.


A user is anyone who can log into Mapal OS. For example, bar or restaurant staff who want to clock in or complete their training, restaurant managers who want to issue out newsletters, HR staff who want an overview of their staff’s performance or Mapal staff who want to make changes or support a client with the platform.

User record

A user record is a representation of anyone who can log into Mapal. Their email addresses, password and any permissions they may have within the system is kept in their user record. They may work for multiple operators over their careers but will still have one user account.


Mapal OS only holds a limited set of permissions for a user and only registers a user’s permissions in the OS, and not on other Mapal applications. Only permissions that represent what a user can do in the Administration and Configuration apps are stored in the OS. Any permissions regarding what functions the user has access to in Flow, for example, will be kept in their User record in Flow.