
Overview: When setting up weekly staff shifts, GIR allows you to record shifts that are set up as templates for use in future shifts and to use these previously recorded templates in new shifts that are set up.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.

  • Select the Work Center where you will create the shift template.

  • Select New to create a new weekly shift.

Notes: You can configure a weekly shift that has already been created by selecting the Arrow icon. If the icon is blue, it means that there is already data saved in that week.

  • In the Projected Shift screen, select the Templates button. Once the button is clicked, a box will appear in which you can select one of two options: Apply Template or Save Shift as Template.

Save Shift as Template

This option will save the current shift as a template for future use. To save a shift as a template:

  • Assign a name to the template.

  • Write comments on the template if necessary.

  • Select the Accept button to save the new template OR Cancel to discard it.

Apply Template

This option allows you to choose from previously saved templates to assign to a new shift. To apply a template:

  • Select the desired template from the drop-down menu.

  • Select the Continue button to load the chosen template.

  • Once the Template is selected, a Quadrant will appear with the projected shifts.

Note: Workers will be generic, so their names will not appear. Real workers must be assigned using one of two available methods, both of which are specified in the next section of this guide.

  • Press the Continue button to apply the quadrant.

Once the template has been applied, each selected worker will be assigned the weekly shift and the time off they had in the previous week selected.

Assign real workers

Before applying the template

  • In the Apply Template pop-up window, select the generic worker field.

  • In the Assign Employee pop-up window, select the Work Center and Employee you wish to assign.

  • Select Accept to save the selected worker OR Cancel to discard the selected worker. 

After applying the template

  • In the Projected Shift screen, select the generic worker and click the right mouse button.

  • Select Add Employee from the list of options. 

  • In the Add Employee pop-up window, select the Work Center and Employee you wish to assign.

  • Select Accept to save the selected worker OR Cancel to discard the selected worker. 

To finish the shift template application process and save the work done, see Mark shift as completed.

Edit shift template

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTA Templates from the main menu.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

  • Select the Work Center where the shift template to be edited is created.

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

Notes: The Edit button only allows you to make changes to the description and observations assigned to the template.

  • Select the Arrow icon to open the shift template. In this screen, you can edit all the details related to the template configuration, such as the projected working time, labor information, time off, etc. 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla, Excel<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • When completing the changes to the template, select the Save button to keep the changes OR Exit without saving to discard the changes.