
Overview: Workforce allows employers and superusers of the system to manage, edit, and modify data related to employee profiles and personal information so that they can keep employee records accurate and up to date at all times.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Workforce Management > Workforce from the main menu.

  • To find the employee to edit, you can filter by Status and Work Center. In the same way, you can enter the text you want to search for directly.

  • In the employee's field, select the Employee Record option.

  • In the Employee Record pop-up window, you will be able to edit all the data related to the employee, such as:

    • Personal Data: Basic employee information, including first name, last name, gender and date of birth.  

    • Documentation: Details related to the employee's legal and identification documentation, necessary for administrative purposes.

    • Address: Employee's residence data.

    • Contact Data: Employee's e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.

    • Family: Data related to the employee's family members and dependents.

    • Emergency Contact: Contact details of a person established by the employee to be contacted in case of work emergencies.

    • Other data: Employee's bank details, as well as details of recruitment, training, salary and disabilities.

    • Additional information: Additional comments about the employee or his/her hiring.

    • Access to GIR Staff: The level of access to GIR Staff for this employee is established. It also allows you to manually reset the employee's password and credentials.

  • After entering and editing the employee information to be edited, select OK to save the changes OR Cancel to discard them.

Note: Only users with specific permissions can access employee records and edit the information on them.