
Overview: Labor Categories are, together with Contracts, one of the two entities that define an employee within an operator. It is important not to confuse a job category with a workstation. A labor category will have associated with it the information related to the professional cost, and from this information, all calculations related to productivity, costs, among others, can be made.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Navigate to Configuration > Categories.
  • Select the New + button on the category screen.
  • Choose a name for the new Category.
  • Sets an Abbreviation for the new category. It will be the one you see later when planning a shift or vacation.
  • Set a Productivity percentage for the labor category you are creating. We understand 100% productivity when the work performance is 100% related to sales. When this performance involves indirect labor, we will mark a lower percentage.
  • Set a Coverage percentage to determine the level of demand coverage in the shift for each category to achieve better cost control and guarantee the minimum coverage of operational needs.
  • Select a Colour that represents the job category. You will see this color when planning shifts and vacations.
  • Select a Category Group where you will include the new category. If the group does not exist yet, see Group categories.
  • Select the Country of the work center for which you want the category to apply.
  • Select the Brand for which you want to create the category.
  • Define the Status of the category, indicating whether it is active or not.
  • Select Accept to create the category OR Cancel to discard the changes.

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