
Overview: Workforce gives human resources and personnel managers the flexibility to customize and add new fields on the employee record as needed, thus capturing additional employee information that may be critical to specific operations.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Navigate to Configuration > Employee Record.

  • In the list of fields, locate those renamed as Undefined or Multiple Undefined.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Set a Name for the new field you are about to create. You can set translations for this field in several languages.

  • In the single field (Undefined), set whether you want it to be a Date Field. Otherwise, it will be a default text field.

  • Select Accept to save the new field OR Cancel to discard the changes.

  • For the multiple field (Multiple Undefined), after setting the name, select the List icon next to the name. Here you can define the multiple options that can be selected in this field.

  • Press New to create new options in the list. You must set an ID (order in the list) and a value (name) for each option.

  • Press Close when you have added or edited all the corresponding values.

  • Set whether the field will be visible and editable by checking the fields under the Visible and Editable columns.

To make the field mandatory, see Make a field mandatory in the employee record.