
Overview: The sales budgeting tool in GIR allows users to make modifications to existing budgets to adjust financial strategies based on current business trends.

Start from: The Analytics module.

  • Select Sales Budgets > Budgets from the main menu.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Teams<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

Modify a sales budget

  • Select the Center where the budget you wish to modify is located.

  • Select the Budget to be modified.

  • Select the Year of the budget. 

  • Select the Update button to load the budget data.

  • You can define, project, or change the Traffic of the center by the number of tickets or customers, in addition, you can make adjusted budgets for each Type of Sale and Period, and all the existing combinations between them.

  • In the Distribution (%) option, you can define how sales will be distributed among the different sales types and periods, either following historical percentages or an allocation that you have predefined.

  • Select the Data Source, Method, Center and Reference Year to be used to modify the budget.

  • Select a Month or Year depending on whether you are modifying an Annual or Monthly budget.

  • Under Non-Representative Dates select what to do with the dates you have set as non-representative.

  • Selecting the Use Budget As Reference For Future Dates checkbox will use the reference year's sales budget for future days where there are no actual sales yet.

Una captura de pantalla de una computadora<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Once you have selected whether to modify the Budget by Year or Month, on the screen that appears, you will be able to select the method to be used to make or modify the budget. The available methods are:

    • Sales budget.

    • Ticket Budget and Average Ticket.

    • Customer Budget and Average Net Ticket per Customer.

    • Trend

  • In this screen, you will be able to set the percentage variations for the budget based on the calculation method vs. a year or a reference budget. If the boxes remain at zero, this means that there will be no variation compared to the reference budget.

Notes: The Lock Table button causes the data typed in a cell to be repeated in the entire row, Unlock Table allows you to adjust cell by cell, and Clear allows you to delete all data in the table and return it to zero.

  • Once you have made the settings in this table, select Accept to save the changes OR Cancel to discard them. 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja
Notes: To make a budget modification, you must make sure that the budget has not been Closed. If it is closed, it must be reopened for modifications.

Exporting a sales budget

  • In the Budget Sales screen, select the Center where the budget you wish to modify is configured.

  • Select the Budget to be modified.

  • Select the Year of the budget. 

  • Select the Update button to load the budget data.

  • Select the Excel button.

  • In the next window, choose the Template with budgeted data.

  • The resulting file will be an .XLS file with the budget data.

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media