
Overview: Weekly shift planning involves the detailed review of several parameters; among them, the indirect work setup, which ensures that all preparatory and concluding activities are taken into account.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • Select the Work Center where you want to review the indirect labor.

  • Select New to create a new weekly shift or configure a weekly shift that has already been created by selecting the Arrow icon.

Notes: If the icon is blue, it means that there is already data saved in that week.

  • Once on the Projected Shift screen, locate the Indirect Labor row in the Net Sales panel.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla, Excel<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente

  • In this table, you will be able to view the Indirect Labor configured as follows:

    • Columns with numbers indicate a time of day.

    • The subcolumns (4) represent a quarter of an hour each. That is, under column 05, there will be four sub-columns: 05:00 - 05:15, 05:15 - 05:30, 05:30 - 05:45, 05:45 - 06:00.

    • The number within each table or sub-column indicates the number of workers assigned for indirect labor in that defined quarter-hour.

To correct any inconsistencies in the configuration or to change any indirect labor requirements, see Configure Indirect Work for a Shift.