
Overview: Cash sheet records allow managers to properly track all the different varieties of financial transactions that come into the business and how they are made.

Start from: The Cashrec module.

  • Select Create Cashrec from the main menu.

In the Create Cashrec screen you will find that cash sheets are opened automatically every day, so there is no need to create them. To create and edit cash sheets, select the date.

Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
Inside the Cash Sheet you will find:


  • Select New.

  • Select the Sale Type and Period.

  • Indicate the Gross Sales for the day and the number of Tickets (if the traffic selected in the configuration was tickets and not customers). You can write any comments.

  • Once you have done this, select Accept.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Word<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
Notes: In case you have more than one type of sale, do the same steps again.

Bank Cards

  • Select New.
  • A box will open in which you will select the type of Bank Card and indicate the Amount.
  • Make any comments you wish.
  • Select Accept to register every card you want.

Notes: In case there are more than one type of card, do the same steps again to register a new one.

Food Vouchers

  • Select New.
  • Select the type of Food Vouchers and any observations you wish.
  • Indicate the Quantity of checks and their Unit Value, the + button will add new rows.
  • Once all the checks have been indicated, select Accept.

Notes: In case there are vouchers of more than one type, perform the same steps again.


  • Select New.
  • Select the Concept and Type of expense.
  • Set the receipt number and date.
  • Set the Vendor, Details, and VAT Rate (%).
  • Indicate the Total Amount.
  • Select Accept to save.

Notes: In case there are more expenses, go through the above steps again.


  • Select New.
  • Select the Type (Contribution or Withdrawal), Concept, and indicate the Total Amount. Write down any details if necessary.
  • Select Accept.

Notes: In case there are more than one contribution or withdrawal, go through the same steps again.

Bank Deposits

  • Select New.

  • Select the Bank Account.

  • Set the Date/Time of Entry.

  • Indicate the Amount Deposited and the Business Day to which the income belongs. You can write any comments if necessary.

  • Select Accept to save.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
Notes: In case more than one entry is made, go through the same steps again.

Security Company (Sec. Co)

Same as Bank Revenues, except that it is picked up by a Security Company. It must be previously configured in Vendors and then assigned to the Center in Cash Sheets by Center.


  • Select New.
  • Indicate the Location.
  • Specify the total amount of cash in the cashbox and a description if necessary.
  • Select Accept to save.

You can also do it with New with calculator, where coins and bills will appear and you will be able to enter the amounts.

Notes: If more than one box exists, perform the same steps again.


In this tab, you will see the personnel's clock in records and you will be able to define the weather for that day in the drop-down menu.


Summary of the records that have been made. Highlights:

  • Initial Cash: Total cash from start, before the cash sheet was made.
  • Theoretical Cash: Total cash that should be held according to the allocation you have filled in on the cash sheet. This is the sum of initial cash, sales (including VAT), and contributions less the amount of bank cards, food vouchers, expenses, withdrawals, bank deposits, and deliveries to security companies.
  • Actual Cash: Total cash that you have indicated in the Cash tab of the Cash sheet.
  • Cashrec reconciled: Difference between Actual Cash and Theoretical Cash. If the actual is higher than the theoretical, there will be an excess, otherwise, there will be a shortfall.