
Overview: When configuring holidays, not only should the parameters of the contracts or agreements be taken into account, but also the holidays of other workers in the same center, so that a fair distribution of vacation time can be made and the lack of personnel can be managed promptly.

Start from: The Workforce module.

A situation in which two or more employee holiday periods coincide or overlap in time is called overlapping holidays. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as company policies, union agreements, or government regulations that establish certain mandatory rest periods for employees.

Overlapping holidays can lead to complications in scheduling and assignment of tasks, which directly affects the work center's operability. This is why Workforce, through the Holidays tool, allows users to take a quick look at the arrangement of vacation periods in the workplace.

Through the Holidays screen (Workforce Management > Holidays), managers can quickly identify vacation overlays. This screen also has a filtering or sorting function that makes it easier to view holidays by name, contract, or job title.

Using the visuals provided by this screen, managers can take proactive measures to mitigate the impact of overlapping holidays. This may involve adjustments in shift assignments, redistribution of tasks, or requesting additional personnel during these periods.

To learn how to set holidays, see Create holidays.