Overview: account managers can upload users to Mapal OS as a batch, to save time when migrating large amounts of user data to the system.
Start from: the Configuration dashboard.
Note: to access the Configuration dashboard, log in to your Mapal OS account and select the Open button on the Configuration tile.
  • Select User management > Users.
  • Select the down-facing arrow next to Add User(s) and select Add list of users.
  • Download the CSV template list and complete it with the required information: First Name, Last Name, Email, Job Title, Department, Status, Start Date, User Profile, External Identifier and Business Unit ID.
Note: the Business unit column must be populated with the business unit OS ID, not the business unit name. This is usually the name of the site or the company.
Note: the External identifier is essentially the email address.
  •  Upload the CSV file with the list of users. Note: you can re-upload an update of this file and changes will be made automatically.

Note: the status and date in the CSV file must be written in the following format, respectively: Active/Inactive and DD/MM/YYYY.

  • Select Add.
Note: if there are any errors, check the feed logs. See Use the feed to check updates for more information.