
Overview: Sometimes the employee load of one or several business units is too large, which makes the list of employees to be planned difficult to manage. To improve the organization and visualization of shifts and to focus on specific employees, the scheduler allows you to filter and group employees to facilitate the process of assigning and controlling schedules.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > NEW Scheduler MVP from the main menu.  
Calendario<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
  • Parameterize the planner to be able to access the main grid.
To make the parameterization, see Access the scheduler.
  • Once in the main grid, you can organize employees using three possible actions.


Allows you to organize employees by "types", such as default business units, workstations, categories, etc.

  • Select the Group button in the header above the list of employees.
Escala de tiempo<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media
  • Select the specific parameter by which you want to group the employees, it can be by:
    • Category group
    • Category
    • Contracts group
    • Contract
    • Fixed weekly hours
    • Default workstation group
    • Default workstation
    • Workstation
    • Current Status
    • Status in period
  • Select Accept to group the employees OR Cancel to discard this action.

Interfaz de usuario gráfica<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente


Through filtering, you will be able to see only those employees who meet the applied filters.

  • Select the Filter button in the header above the list of employees.
Aplicación<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media
  • Set the specific parameters you will use to filter employees. You can adjust the following parameters:
    • Type of position
    • Work center
    • Category group
    • Category
    • Contracts group
    • Contract
    • Fixed weekly hours
    • Enabled workstations group
    • Enabled workstations
    • Default workstation group
    • Default workstation
    • Groups Tags
    • Tags
    • Current Status
    • Status in period
    • Employee
  • Select Accept to save the filter OR Cancel to discard this action.


This option allows you to display the employees in a specific order and following a sorting criterion indicated by the user.

  • Select the Order button in the header above the list of employees.
Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación, Tabla<br><br>Descripción generada automáticamente
  • Configure the levels you will set for sorting the employees in the list. You can establish one or several levels to facilitate the ordering, which can be:
    • Employee
    • Type
    • Category group
    • Category
    • Contracts group
    • Contract
    • Fixed weekly hours
    • Default workstation group
    • Default workstation
    • Entry Time
    • Exit Time
    • Net Worked Time
    • Lenght of Service
    • Tag
  • Once the levels are set, decide whether you want to display the employees in ascending or descending order.
  • Select Accept to save the new order OR Cancel to discard this action.