
Overview: Workforce allows managers to create shifts manually in the scheduler, so they can make adjustments and assign shifts when automatic scheduling does not meet their needs.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Scheduler 2.0 from the main menu.
  • Parameterize the planner to be able to access the main grid.

To make the parameterization, see Access the scheduler.

Once in the grid, you can assign the shift in two ways:

Weekly or monthly view

  • Locate the employee and the day where you are going to assign the shift in the grid.
  • Right click on the box corresponding to the day and employee to display the menu.
  • Select Add Shift.
  • In the pop-up window, set the Start and End time of the shift.
  • Select the Activity to be performed during the shift.
Notes: If you select the Add button, you can set several time slots with different activities for the same employee.
  • Select Accept to save the shift OR Cancel to discard it.

Daily view

  • Locate the employee and shift start time on the grid.
  • Click on the start time and hold down while dragging the cursor to the end time of the shift.
  • In the pop-up window, set the Start and End time of the shift.
  • Select the Activity to be performed during the shift.
Notes: If you select the Add button, you can set several time slots with different activities for the same employee.
  • Select Accept to save the shift OR Cancel to discard it.

Create Time Off

Time off is a designated period for employees to rest between shifts. It can be assigned as a full day or a half-day. For half-day time off, the system follows the morning or afternoon schedule defined in the opening times of the employee’s default business unit.

To create time off, follow these steps:

  • Locate the employee and the day in the grid where you want to assign time off.
  • Right-click on the corresponding cell for that day and employee to open the menu.
  • Select one of the three options as needed:
    • Create Day Off
    • Create Morning Off
    • Create Afternoon Off

  • The assigned time off will be displayed in the employee’s row for the selected day.


I want to assign a shift manually, but I don’t see the menu to do it. Why?

If you cannot create new shifts, it may be because the business unit and the selected day are in a status other than "Ongoing". If planning is already Completed, Reviewed, or Closed, it can no longer be edited.

When I click on a day, I only see the "Edit Shift" option. Why?

This happens because two shifts are already assigned for that day and employee. The user can always edit them to remove or modify any existing shifts.