

Overview: Employees on Mapal OS can exist in an "activated" or "deactivated" state, depending on whether they are currently employed. This can offer flexibility and save time when taking on team members for temporary periods. This article details the deactivation process. 

Start from: The Configuration App. 

  • Select Employee management > Employees from the main menu.  

  • Select any point in the employee row OR use the three dots button and select Edit to display the employee configuration tab.   

  • On the employee’s tab, scroll down to Period of Employment

  • Set the employee’s employment end date to the present day or a date in the past. You can also set a date in the future to ensure the employee will be deactivated once it's necessary; for example, when their contract expires. 

  • Once the date has been set, select Update to save the changes OR Cancel to discard them. 

Under Status of employment, the employee will now appear as Not employed.  

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