
Overview:  as a general manager, you’ll need to manage user access in the Engagement tool so you can control who has visibility and administrative rights within different parts of the platform.

Start from: the Engagement dashboard.

About user access management

Engagement uses different levels to manage user access (for example, Level 1- Spain, Level 2- Madrid, Level 3- Gran vía). These determine how wide the user’s access is: company-wide, area-wide or only specific branches.
Managing user access is important to ensure users can only view and carry out actions on Engagement information that is relevant to their job role and duties.

All communication features in Engagement are now subject to these levels of user access.

Navigate to user access settings

User data will be synced down from Mapal OS as the source of truth. 

  • Open the Configuration app on Mapal OS.
  • Select User management > User profiles from the main Configuration menu to manage user profiles and their access settings.

See Manage users in Mapal OS and Manage user profiles in Mapal OS for more information.

Control access from within Mapal OS

Access levels in Engagement depend on the user permissions given to each profile in Mapal OS. For instance:

  • Level 1 corresponds to a Region in a Category group.
  • Level 2 corresponds to an Area in a Category group.
  • Level 3 corresponds to specific Business units.