
Overview: In Mapal OS, user profiles are a great way of setting up solution access and configuration permission for users. As an account manager, you want to be able to manage in order to be able to give your colleagues the appropriate permissions to the various features across the Mapal suite.

Start from: The Mapal OS dashboard.


  • Select the Configuration tool.

In the menu:

  • Select User Management > User profiles.

Here, you will be able to view the Solution Access and the Configuration Permissions selected for each user profile.


Adding a new user profile

  • Select Configure profiles
  • Enter the name of a new user profile and select the + icon.
  • Select Cancel or close the section when you are done adding all of your user profiles.

Setting the Solution access

  • Select the new user profile to set the solution access.

Note: Users assigned to the user profile will have access to the Solutions ticked above when they log into Mapal OS.


Editing user profiles

  • Select the name of the user profile you want to edit.
  • Use the toggle switches to update the Solution Access and the Configuration Permissions.

Note: Any changes made to user profiles will affect the access for all users with the user profile assigned to them.


Changing user profile's name

  • Select the three dots icon and select Edit name OR select the Configure profiles button and select the pencil icon. Then, select the tick to save changes or the X to cancel changes.


Deleting user profiles

  • Select the name of the user profile you want to delete.
  • Select the three dots icon and select Delete OR select the Configure profiles button and select the bin icon.

Note : User profiles assigned to active users cannot be deleted. The users need to have their user profiles reassigned before deletion.


Copying existing user profiles

  • Select the three dots icon and select Duplicate OR select the Configure profiles button and select the copy icon.

Note: The new user profile will be named the same as the original profile and will be suffixed with "Copy 1". It will also be editable.


Setting a default user profile

Users added to the platform can be automatically assigned to the default profile.

Note: As the majority of our users tend to be employees, we would recommend setting a default user profile in order to give access to Mapal One for everyone.

  • Select the name of the user profile.
  • Select the three dots icon and select Set as default.

Note: Once you have set a user profile as default using the process above, you can no longer make a change to this default option.


Next steps

After setting up a new user profile in Mapal OS, you may wish to perform specific actions based on the products you are using.