
Overview: Once you have created forms in a chain, you can manage them by adding tasks, amending, copying or deleting them. This can be done via the web or in the app.

Start from: The Compliance Dashboard.


Locating your Form

  • Select Forms  from the main menu to open the forms page for your chain.

Note: Forms can be grouped into folders for organisation. Forms and folders are shown in the list on the forms page for your chain. Folders are indicated with  . How to create and manage a folder is covered in a separate article.

  • Locate the form or the folder that your form is saved in. Select a folder title to view the contents. You are now ready to manage your form. 

Editing form settings

Note: You can skip through the settings using the list of headings.

  • Use SAVE to save the form settings. 
  • Select  to return to the Folder or the Forms dashboard.

Managing Tasks in a Form

From your folder or the Forms dashboard:

  • Select the form name to open it and reveal the tasks. 

Note: You can only edit tasks in a form that has not been published. 

  • Select OPEN  to reveal the tasks in your form. You are now ready to make changes to your tasks.

Amending current Tasks

  • Select EDIT  to open the settings for your task. 
  • Amend the details of the task (as detailed in Create a task within a form).
  • Select SAVE to save your changes. 
  • Select  to return to the Folder or the Forms dashboard.

Add Sub-Tasks

Note: Creating a new sub task (also called child task) removes the available answer options from the parent task.


From your folder or the Forms dashboard:

Copy Tasks

Note: This functionality is the same for sub-tasks

  • Select COPY to copy your task.
  • Enter the title of your new task in the pop-up box and select the CONFIRM button. 
  • Use EDIT to ensure the task settings are correct by amending the current task (as detailed in Create a task within a form). 

Delete Tasks

Note: This functionality is the same for sub-tasks.

  • Select DELETE . You will see a pop-up asking if you are sure you want to delete it.
  • Select YES, DELETE to confirm deletion OR select CANCEL to return without deleting.

Note: Deletion is permanent. You will not be able to retrieve a deleted task. 

Publishing the form

Before a form is published, only the user who has created the form can view or use it. Once it is published, it becomes visible on the forms page and available to all users/devices in Compliance. 

  • Select PUBLISH  to publish your form. 

Note: Only publish your form when you are sure you have created all the tasks you require. You cannot edit a published form. You can only duplicate the form to create a new draft if you need to edit the contents.

Changes to the form will be stored when saved, but they will be only visible on the forms page once the form is published.