Overview: The Flow Learning Management System allows you to assign appraisals for an individual. You can schedule this in advance and add a future due date so that they have time to prepare and fill out their appraisal form.
Start from: The Flow Learning Dashboard.
Note: Depending on your permissions, you may not have this feature enabled. Some companies choose to rename 'appraisals' to something that works better for their company. If appraisals is part of your package and you are having trouble locating it on your system, please get in touch with us.
Three ways to assign appraisals
There are three different ways to assign appraisals. If you are assigning an appraisal as a one-off addition for a single learner and it does not apply to anyone else, we recommend either using the method in this article, or assign appraisals through a company.
You can also add appraisals into a training structure. But it is important to note that making changes to a training structure will impact all learners that use them and is not recommended for one-off appraisals.
Assign individual appraisals using Assign Learning
- Select Learning & Development > Assign Learning in the main menu.
- Select Individually from the pop-up menu. This will open the Assign Learning page.
- Scroll down and select Appraisals from the Assign Learning page.
- Select the field under Appraisals and scroll through the dropdown list to find the type of appraisal that you want to assign.
- Select the field under Due Date to select a date if you want to define when your learner should complete the appraisal by. Due dates are optional.
Note: Adding due dates when assigning appraisals will send out automatic notifications to learners when their appraisals are due or overdue. For the learner, the appraisal is also flagged as Required by you in the Mapal One learner's portal. If no due date is set, the appraisal will be flagged as Recommended for you in the Mapal One learner's portal.
- Select Add Another if you want to add another appraisal.
Note: You can repeat this process until you have selected all of the appraisals that you want to assign. You can add different due dates so they can be completed at different times.
- Select Next when you have finished adding appraisals.
This will take you to the next learning item that can be assigned OR you can scroll further down the list to select a learner.
Note: To add more learning items, you can select any of the tabs on Assign Learning - External training, Modules, Workbooks, Competences or Goals - and assign that type of item to learners in the same way.
Select learners to assign learning to
- Select the Learners tab on the Assign Learning page to open a list of learners in your organisation.
- Scroll down the list OR Select Search
to find the learner you want to assign the appraisal(s) to and tick the box next to their name.
Note: You can assign the same appraisal to multiple learners by selecting more than one tick box.
- Select Filter
and filter your search options to show all, current or long term absence learners. You can also apply further filters such as region, area, branch, job title and branding.
Note: You will see a dot by the icon to indicate a filter is in place.
- Select Next when you have added your learner. This opens the Options window.
- Select the Send Emails toggle to send an email to the assigned trainees with information on this appraisal and how to access it.
Note: The Reissue Completed toggle and Exam Blocker are only necessary when issuing other learning, such as modules, and are not required for appraisals.
- Select Review Learning to make a final check that all details are correct before you confirm.
- Select Confirm and Assign. You will then see a summary of the appraisal(s) you have assigned along with confirmation that the appraisal was added successfully and a notification email has been sent to the learner.
Note: The Print now option allows you to view or make a hard copy of the instructions that your learners will receive via email.
The learner(s) will now be assigned the appraisal(s) that you have chosen. Details of this assignment will appear in reports and other functionalities associated with learning progress and completion.