Overview: As an account manager, you may need to add a new user to Mapal OS in order to set up your colleagues with the various products across the Mapal family.
Start from: The Mapal OS dashboard.

Should I create an employee before adding a new user?

When creating a new user in Mapal OS, you may also want them to be set up as an employee - this will give them access to employee-only features, like learning resources.
Note that employees are not created automatically, but you can use the "Create user" form (see below) or Add a new employee to an operator in Mapal OS.

Adding a new user

  • Select User Management > Users.

  • Select Add User(s) > Add User.

  • Complete the following fields: First name, Last name, Email Adress, Phone Number.
Note: The Phone number field is optional.
  • Select profile and choose one in the dropdown menu.
  • Check Add employee record for this user if you need to create a new employee.
  • Select Create.

The new user will be created and have their details pushed to the platform. The user will receive a welcome email and be able to access once they have set up a password.