
Overview: When creating weekly shifts (ROTAs) of personnel, GIR allows copying previous weekly shifts per worker or weekly shifts previously used in other weeks, months, and years projected in the Work Center.

Start from: The Workforce module.

  • Select Scheduling > Weekly ROTAs from the main menu.

  • Select the Work Center where you will create a copy of the shift.

  • Select New to create a new weekly shift.

Notes: You can set up a weekly shift that has already been created by selecting the Arrow icon. If the icon is blue, it means that there is already data saved in that week.

  • In the Projected Shift screen, select the Copy Shift button. Once the button is clicked, a box will appear in which you can select the week, month, and year of the weekly shift to be copied.

  • Select the week and press the Accept button.

Once accepted, each employee will be assigned the weekly shift and time off they had in the previous week selected.

Notes: In case of incidences or vacations in the previous shift selected will overlap with the incidence. If a new employee is hired after the selected week, he/she will not have an assigned shift.

To complete the process of copying and saving the new shift, see Mark shift as finished.