
Overview: profiles allow you to create combinations of rights and authorized pages. Indeed, Easilys has a very large number of features and profile management allows you to configure a tailor-made application according to the needs of the users of each profile. Therefore, someone in charge of orders can benefit from a restricted profile focused on features related to orders.


Managing profiles through Mapal OS

For users on Mapal OS, your profiles should now be managed on the Mapal OS dashboard. You can find out more at Manage user profiles in Mapal OS.

Note: if you're not sure whether you are on Mapal OS, contact your line manager or Mapal support.


Managing profiles via Easilys site settings

  • Start from: the Easilys dashboard.

  • Select the camera or your avatar and then select Paramètres du site (Site's parameter). The “Informations” (Information) tab of the settings is displayed.

Gérer les profils des comptes utilisateurs-paramètre du site.png 

  • Select the Profils (Profiles) tab on the left.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, nombre, logiciel<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

Note: the profiles are generally configured by the Easilys team. They can also be configured by administrators.

Create and configure a new profile

  • Select Créer un profil utilisateur (Create a user profile).
    The "Ajouter un profil" (Add a profile) window appears on the screen.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, affichage, Police<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

  • Specify the name of the profile to create and select Créer (Create).
    The new profile is added to the list.

  • Select Pages autorisées (Allowed pages) to determine which pages are allowed to users associated with this profile.

  • Select Actions autorisées (Authorized actions) to determine what actions are allowed for users associated with this profile.

Note: when managing profiles, you can only activate or deactivate the rights that you personally have. Other existing rights on Easilys are not visible.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Icône d’ordinateur<br><br>Description générée automatiquement

Edit a profile

Note: you can only edit a profile from the site where it was originally created. Therefore, be sure to be on the appropriate site to manage profiles.

  • Select the orange pencil.

Edit the rights associated with a profile

  • Select Actions autorisées (Authorized actions) and Pages autorisées (Allowed pages).

Duplicate an existing profile

  • Select the double page icon.

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, ligne<br><br>Description générée automatiquement