
Overview: When it comes to weekly ROTAs, Workforce allows the projection of weekly schedules in several ways, including optimization. Once the pre-configuration is done, the optimization allows the schedules to be made automatically.

Start from: The Workforce module.

Optimization is a procedure that has several preparation steps. Once the sales projection is set up and the employee positions are assigned, the user will be able to choose one of the following types of optimization:

Free Optimization

This option takes the configuration of the agreements, contracts, direct and indirect labor tables, the sales projection and will create an optimal shift for the whole week.

Favorite Shifts (Fixed)

It comes from the favorite shifts that have been previously configured for the center, the optimizer will perform a shift considering exclusively those favorite shifts.

Favorite Shifts (Flexible)

In this option, the algorithm will consider the configured favorite shifts, but may modify them according to demand for an additional degree of flexibility. You can add or subtract hours to a shift, always respecting the configuration of the contracts.

Historical Shifts

If we previously have manually configured shifts, the system will run the algorithm based on this shift history.

Other Options

  • You can also enable Enable Extra Time and Overtime if you select any of these options (otherwise only the fixed hours of the contract will be taken into account).

  • If you choose Respect Days Off, it will respect the drafts you have manually projected.

  • If you select Preserve Projected Shifts, it is the same as with the time off, it respects the shifts that you have projected manually.

  • If you Prioritize higher rated employees during peak times, it means that you will respect the stars in the configuration of the employees' enabled positions. To know more about the employee rating and it use in optimizations, see Understand the importance of stars in optimization