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Overview: It is possible to create suppliers who are attached to other suppliers, known as supplier-deposit and supplier-group. This makes it possible to manage operations in which prices are set by "group suppliers" and orders placed at the same prices with the "warehouse suppliers" of these "group suppliers". The result is a single price management system, but different contact details and conditions (delivery days, shipping costs, etc.) for different depots.

Case study:  Let's imagine that the supplier BOLAY has a national price definition, but different depots across France from which orders can be placed. If Easilys manages kitchens in different regions of France, then these kitchens will have to place orders with different depots, but at the price defined at national level. To achieve this, you will need :

1. Create a BOLAY supplier on the root site.

2. On the root site, create the various depots (BOLAY-NORD, BOLAY-SUD, etc.) as suppliers, taking care to select the BOLAY supplier in the "supplier-group" field of their master record. Having a group supplier in their file makes them "depot suppliers".

3. Create and manage on the root site one (or more) price list(s) attached to the BOLAY supplier to manage the prices of products that can be ordered from BOLAY. There is no need to manage price lists for depot suppliers, as the BOLAY group supplier's products can be ordered automatically from all depot suppliers linked to it.

4. Attach the appropriate depot supplier to the child sites: e.g. "BOLAY-SUD" for the Marseille sites and "BOLAY-NORD" for the Lille sites.

Note: From the root site, the product will be seen as orderable by the group supplier and on all its depots. On children's sites, products will appear as orderable only under the name of the depot supplier attached to the site.

To find out more about creating a supplier record, see the article Creating a supplier record.

To find out more about creating a price list, see the article Creating a price list.

To find out more about associating a supplier master record administered by a parent site, see the article Associating a supplier master record administered by a parent site.