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Overview: As the manager of a restaurant, you want to manually enter known losses and markdowns, in order to have the most complete information to carry out a relevant analysis of known markdowns.

Start from: The Easilys menu.

The known losses and markdowns entry screen allows you to track all types of losses and known markdowns for :

  • Destocking everything that needs to be destocked.
  • Identify anything that is not billed (free, breakage).
  • Then calculate the shrinkage.
  • Identify the reasons for losses to reduce them (e.g. overproduction, preparation errors).

Destocking can be carried out directly from the information provided by the cash register, if it is set up to track all losses and markdowns. 

However, these losses can also be traced manually directly on this screen, to enable adjustments to be made if necessary, product additions to be made, or in cases where the cash register does not allow known losses and markdowns to be traced.

Enter losses manually

Before you can enter losses, you need to have previously created loss models. If you haven't already done so, please consult the resource Create and manage known loss and markdown models.

  • Select Stock in the main menu > Known losses and markdowns.
  • Select the Losses and Markdowns model on which you wish to record losses.
  • Enter the desired date.
  • Select +Losses in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

You can now enter loss quantities for each item listed, according to the reason for loss.

For one product:

  • Select the + icon in the Qty column on lines affected by losses.
  • You can also select the storage unit if several units are available for the product.

Several storage units are available for an industrial product only if it is linked to several supplier products. In this case, the choice is given if these supplier products have different storage units.

For a recipe:

  • Select the + icon in the column concerned by the recipe unit (Kilogram, Portion...).

Obtain a summary of losses over a given date range

All losses entered or reported by the till are available on the Restitution screen.

  • Select Stock in the main menu > Known losses and markdowns.
  • Select Restitution, at the top right of the screen.

This screen tracks all losses and markdowns, as well as the status of each entry or cash desk recovery: 

  • Select the desired period.


  1. Loss date: corresponds to the actual date of loss. 
  2. Creation date: corresponds to the date of entry in Easilys.
  3. Source: identifies whether the loss has been entered manually or communicated by the cash register.
  4. Status: shows whether the loss has already been destocked. "To be released" indicates that the line has not yet been removed from stock, "Released" indicates that your stock has been decremented. 

Note: To set up loss reporting in your POS system, contact your administrator or customer service.