
Overview: as a high-level Mapal user, you’ll need to add training managers so that they can manage users on different Mapal products.


Managing account managers on Mapal OS

Account managers are granted the highest access tier on Mapal OS, and cannot be set up manually. 

If you need to set up a user with account manager permissions, just get in touch with your customer success manager. 


Adding Flow Learning training managers in Mapal OS

Start from: the Mapal OS dashboard.

  • Select the Open button on Configuration.

Note: ensure you have the right operator selected, as shown below:

  • Select User management > Users on the main menu.
  • Select the Add User(s) button.

Note: you can add individual users manually by clicking on Add user, or, you can bulk add/edit users by clicking on Add list of users, which will allow you to upload a CSV file with your list of users.

  • Complete the fields in the pop-up Create user form that appears.

Note: mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Note: if the user has an employee record created and also has a Flow learner profile, make sure you select the Add employee record for this user checkbox.

  • Select Create to save and create the user.