
Overview: Engagement allows you to create and publish news posts, which are a great way to share information or any news about the company.

Start from: The Engagement Dashboard.

  • Select Communication > Publications on the main menu.
  • Select Create Publication > News Post.

Within the News Builder, complete the fields below:


Which employees can see this news?


Where do you want to post it?


What do you want to post?


Who will be the sender?


Want to add a cover image to the news article? (Optional)


Do you want to add a video to the news? (Optional)


    Add attachments (Optional)


    News Settings


    Publication (When do you want it posted?)


      Pin this news

      Adding your news post to the homepage carousel in Mapal One

      Choose the option to Add to Homepage Carousel on Mapal One to have your post featured across the organisation. 

      Note: the four latest items will be displayed on the carousel and any earlier news posts will no longer be visible. 


        Managing completed news posts

        Once created (published or pending publication), you have various options available.

        • Go to Communication > Publications and click on the ... menu to display available actions.
        • Choose from the following:
          • See comments
          • Edit
          • Duplicate
          • Remove
          • Notify pending
          • Preview