
Overview: Optimization is a process performed by the system that allows employers to facilitate shift organization tasks through automatic organization, based on data previously configured and stored in the system.

Optimization is the most recommended process for the organization of shifts (ROTAs) in Workforce. Optimization allows shift managers to streamline and improve results in shift planning since this process analyzes the need for personnel according to the established configurations and suggests not only the quantity but also the quality of employees who will cover those shifts according to the existing needs.

For the optimization to work properly and create shifts that are adapted to the real needs of the Work Center, the employer must focus on a series of previous configurations in the system that will be taken into account as key factors when optimizing shifts.


Collective agreements bring together a set of working conditions for a group of workers, including all information related to working hours, restrictions, and vacations. This information is directly reflected in shift and vacation planning.

To learn how to configure an agreement, see Configure employee collective agreements.


Contracts are, together with Labor Categories, one of the two entities that define an employee within an operator. The contracts, in addition to including all the parameters of the agreements, also define the number of fixed weekly hours, the number of computable hours, and the working days.

To learn how to configure contracts, see Create new contracts.


Labor Categories are, together with Contracts, one of the two entities that define an employee within an operator. It is important not to confuse a job category with a workstation. A labor category will have associated with it the information related to the professional cost, and from this information, all calculations related to productivity, costs, among others, can be made.

To learn how to set up categories, see Create new category.


The creation of workstions in the system allows for efficient and timely organization of personnel to assign specific tasks and equipment to the appropriate areas.  For each job position, it is possible to define the competencies and courses required to consider that a worker is qualified to perform it.

To learn how to set up a workstation, see Create a workstation.

Working hours

Establishing working hours is essential for planning employee shifts. As a general rule, there will be as many opening hours as there are different situations identified for each workplace.

To learn how to set up a work schedule, see Set up working hours.

Configuration of direct work per workstation

Direct work can be configured for specific workstations or workstations. In this configuration, managers can determine the specific time calculation, duration, budget, and all key values to allocate and track working hours concerning specific roles in a work center.

To learn how to configure direct work by workstation, see Set up direct work for a workstation.

Employee ratings

For all those Centers whose Direct Labor table is configured by "Demand by Workstations", a performance evaluation of the employee by Job Position may be carried out using a progressive "star" assignment rating. This configuration is done in the planning of weekly ROTAs and will help in the optimization process, since shifts will be projected to the most qualified employees in the Work Center during peak hours of traffic and sales in the Work Centers.

To learn more about the influence of employee ratings on optimization, see Understand the importance of stars in optimization.

Notes: System configurations may change according to the needs of the work center. However, it is suggested to keep the system settings up to date to make proper use of the optimization function.