
Overview: When setting up shifts, Workforce has two types of workstations to assign shifts appropriately: enabled and default.

A workstation in Workforce is the position or positions that a worker may occupy in a Shift or ROTA. For each workstation, the competencies and courses necessary to consider that a worker is qualified to perform it can be defined.

The enabled and default positions are configured in the Projected Shift screen, at the time of shift configuration.

Enabled workstations

Enabled workstations are all positions that an employee is qualified to perform. Depending on their capabilities and performance, one or several positions may be assigned to the same employee. 

Enabled workstations can be assigned on an employee-by-employee basis or using a general listing of the entire unit.

Default workstation

When shifts are created, employees will be automatically assigned to their assigned Default workstation. The default workstation will be one of the positions enabled for the employee.

Normally, when no default workstation is defined for an employee, his default workstation will be "Undefined".

For example, if an employee is new and has not been assigned a job yet, his default workstation will be "Undefined". However, if there is an employee who has already been qualified to fill kitchen, cashier, room, and service positions, but his default position is Kitchen, their shift will always be created for Kitchen by default.

It is always possible to change the assigned workstation in the shift manually through the Projected Shift screen.

To learn how to configure default and enabled positions, see Configure enabled and default workstations.