Overview: Understanding the distinction between "User" and "Employee" in Mapal OS is essential for effective system configuration and management. This guide clarifies these terms and their roles within Mapal OS, providing insights into their specific functions and common tasks.

Defining Users and Employees


A User is anyone who can log into Mapal OS. This includes team members, managers, administrators, and other personnel who need to interact with the system for various management and configuration tasks. Users can access various Mapal OS apps, depending on their permissions.

A User record exists for everyone on the Mapal OS system.


An Employee is a non-managerial member of staff who interacts with the employee-focused Mapal apps. Employees have access to features such as learning resources, news items, documents, shift patterns and group chat.

It’s important to note that not all Users have an Employee record, even though Employees will always have a User record, granting them access to the Mapal OS system.


Common Tasks for Users and Employees

Mapal OS has a range of functionality, and the experience on the system can be quite different for the various types of users.

Example tasks for User-only accounts

  • Creating learning pathways
  • Creating shift patterns
  • Making regular compliance checks
  • Reviewing customer feedback
  • Creating meal plans
  • Setting up chat groups for the team

Example tasks for Employee accounts

  • Interacting with L&D resources
  • Viewing shifts
  • Chatting with colleagues
  • Providing peer feedback
  • Accessing company documents

How Users and Employees access Mapal OS

User-only access to Mapal OS

Management tasks - on User-only accounts - are primarily performed within Mapal OS apps such as Flow Learning, Workforce, Easilys, Compliance, Reputation, Engagement, and Analytics.

Employee access to Mapal OS

Non-managerial tasks – requiring Employee accounts - are carried out in team-focused apps, such as Mapal One, Gir Staff and the SmartHub clocking system app.

Find out more

For detailed instructions on user management, including how to work with User profiles and permissions you can find links to more resources below.